EMR Review of Efficiency

 A literature search was conducted using PubMed with keywords “EMR” OR “electronic medical records” OR “EHR” OR “electronic health records” AND “Efficiency.” Only 499 out of 4091 potential studies met the inclusion criteria as set above. On further review, only three articles which focused on EMR/EHR and efficiency were included in the review.


Nguyen et al.[20] published a systemic review on the implementation of EMR. In this review, administrative efficiency was covered. It cited Darbyshire,[12] who reported reduced administrative and repetitive tasks as one of the major benefits of EMR.


There were contrasting findings on time taken for documentation, with some studies showing that it takes more administrative time and others showing that it improves efficiency.[12-152122] The impact on workflow was mixed, with some studies reporting positive and others of negative impacts. Perceptions about changes in workload and productivity were mixed. The impact on the amount of time spent with patients was not conclusive. Some studies report no difference, whereas others reported negative and positive influences on the time spent by clinicians with their patients.


In their systematic review, Baumann et al.[23] noted that EMR increased the time for doctors to enter data within a year following EMR implementation.


This study also noted that the workflow was inefficient in EMR implementation, using both paper and electronic documentation. Fuller implementation of EMR for documentation appeared to be associated with decreasing time spent documenting. In a meta-analysis, Campanella et al.[24] found an association between EMR used by health-care professionals and a reduction in documentation time.


EMR can improve regulatory compliance and communication and bring process improvements. EMR implementation can also pave the way to potentially effective resource use reduction and better reallocation.[25]


EMR can improve the quality of documentation. However, patients may feel that clinician is not spending enough time with them, whereas the clinician is also engaged in reviewing and documenting data in the EMR.


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Review Source: 

Electronic Medical Records – A Review of Cost-Effectiveness,... : Journal of Psychiatry Spectrum (lww.com)


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