
Showing posts from November, 2022

Business Frequently Asked Questions

FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS: FAQ 1:  HOW CAN WE MANAGE OUR CLINIC SYSTEM? MySiteMalixi introduces Clinic & Diagnostics Management System. A Cloud-based System AS A Service (SAA) that is designed to effectively manage all aspects of your business operation from Patient OPD Medical Records - Diagnosis, Laboratory / Diagnostics Result Management, Booking and scheduling of patients appointments / check -up schedule,Inventory Management of Products Consumables as a Service to patients, Real- time posting of Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Yearly Sales Reports and Management, Patient follow up checkup scheduling, and many more. Read more by clicking the link below: FAQ 2:  HOW CAN WE MANAGE OUR HOSPITAL MEDICAL RECORDS? Hospital Management System (HMS) is an advanced software that provides wide-ranging solutions to numerous divisions of Healthcare Industry for General Hospitals of varied capaciti

Are You a Problem Terminator or Creator?

Most people don't see it. Maybe it just seems right crossing the bridge when you get there. Maybe sometimes but, not all the time. Why do we allow problems at first? We all may have good reasons. One reason might be that we didn't see the problem, or some may say, "We didn't know that it would create problems, plus we don't have personnel in place monitoring for mistakes or issues". Sometimes it's better to observe other people's experiences by reading forums, attending seminars or asking the more experienced ones to lesson or to eliminate problems. Terminating the problems most of the time is very costly. Sometimes it can be in the form of money, health or strength. It's best to be cautious every time to allow yourself to think soberly to avoid being a problem creator. Terminating problems on hand of course could be considered another issue. It really varies on situations. It's always good to have an intelligent approach to become a good probl

The Cheapest Labourer of All Time

Is there really a cheapest laborer of all time? Who are they? The answer is the business owners, they're investing, and they invest their money to multiply. They need to hire people to work for them, pay bills every month for office and operation expenses but they don't get their salary until the business works and become stable. People think a businessperson has lots of money, but they didn't know business owner wallets are always broke. Owners can't complain into its own business, always set their mind and heart to believe that business will work and earn, they off course has lead-time because they need to calculate how much they could only afford to doll out before they end up dying, Walt Disney owner see himself eating dog food just to survive and continue to pursue in making cartoon movies until one day it pays back. Most of the business owners endure this pain for years, minimum of 3 to 4 years and maximum of 5 to 6 six years base on most companies made their way

Are You Doing Things at the Right Time?

What are you up now? Are things working? These questions matter to be able for anyone to know they are doing things at the right time. It's like eating an ice cream after 2 hours of leaving it in the table and thinking that it's still an ice cream after then or buying an expensive car which you know you don't have enough savings to last for the next month bills. Seeing time and things matters in every situation is very crucial in making decisions and in every decision, you make failure is just one step away. Considering that every decision is between life and death situation is better than doing things before thinking a hundred times. Doing a lot of thinking is building a better and stable future benefits. Thorough research and studies on the advantage and disadvantages of things is very important aside from looking on the budget. Sometimes the savings you get from present doesn't worth the benefits you loose on the future. Spending for the stable business platform deve

What Is Your Biggest Motivator?

Do you have someone or something that motivates you to do extremely fascinating things every day? Have you realized that looking on the things you've gone through life is the biggest motivator you could have? When people in all parts of the world invented how to make something out of pure necessity that's when all the solutions start coming in, and amazingly it never stopped since then. When formal education was introduced or invented each country run their own unique way of teaching. For Example, the first schools were in ancient Egypt, around 3000 BC, and were for boys coming from rich families that will later on be converted to scribes. They are a group of people that could read and write like priests or government officials. Somewhere around 5,000 B.C. the Sumerians came into the picture (the first civilization), then the Babylonians, Medea, Chaldean, Assyrians, and Persians. In ancient India, educators called Gurus manage schools that trained subjects containing philosophy

Where Success Resides?

Some say there is a magic or power that will make you succeed and make you become what you want to be. There's a debate of why most people ask their future or inquire their decisions by speaking to fortune tellers. While others alone believe in the power of positive thinking. Seriously, does anyone know the secrets for success, or having a successful life? Are the gifted ones smarter or do they just work harder? Are successful people Successful because they are risk takers or have influential associates than you or me? Joseph Gandionco, chief executive officer of Julie's Franchise Corp., the group behind Julie's Bakeshop, said "The secret to success is not a secret at all. It starts with a good idea coupled with hard work". Others have followed the "10 secrets of success book". According to a published blog January 17, 2008, by Victor Stachura. I just discovered "100 simple secrets of a successful people" of David Niven, Ph.D.; The only problem

Web Hosting, What?

Most of us would love to have a website. True? Yes, you see most of the companies today had tuned in to the technical pros for them to create the most dazzling website that they could ever think of. But the problem is, not too many of us know the different terms associated with having a website; example: domain name registration, browser or web hosting. We do not mean to be rude by introducing to your words that you thought are hard to understand. But since you are now here in the wonderful world of the internet, it would be an advantage for you and the techie gurus if you at least know a bit on what in the world you are getting into. What is Web Hosting? Got you there, didn't I? Web Hosting is an important part of having a website. Without it, there wouldn't be any website. Here is a nifty example; you are planning to have a mansion. Where in the world would you build your mansion? An agent tells you there is a nice place at this address. Your next question is... How big? Then

How Secure Socket Layer Works?

What does the word "secure" mean? It means safe, isn't it? Safe to go in and do your business and to go out and go on your way. Have you seen a security guard lately? The fellow with a nice hat, ironed clothes, shiny shoes and having a classy baton while sporting those set of killer eyes? With that kind of guard on duty you will always feel safe, and no harm will ever come in your way. That is for the physical world. What about inside the World Wide Web? I am sure that bad guys are also present inside the cyberspace. With the tons of financial transactions going on, there is no doubt that there's always a hefty criminal salivating over those numbers. See! When it comes to the internet, most payment transactions require the use of credit cards. An online shopper needs to input his credit card number while making a purchase. The real danger is not on the shopper or the shop owner, it is what comes in between. A cyber-criminal can drop in inside the connection and "

System Reliability

Is there any perfect human-created system? What do we mean by system reliability if it happens that we need one for our business? Those questions normally pop up when the business operation is in the process of acquiring a system to fully maximize the efficiency of one's company. An outsource provider is better than an in-house system developer or a freelancer because it is a legitimate company whose only aim is to provide a lifetime good customer support and also its resources are complete and the people maintaining it are not your concern anymore. Outsource are the one who will worry about the staff salary, customer service, data center for system servers and training of staff for new applications as well as the welfare of continuous good service for each client. Companies that do the whole thing themselves have much greater research, development, marketing and distribution of expenditures, all of which must be distributed on to the customers. An external provider's cost stru

The Birth of SMS Marketing

Everyone uses mobile phones for Personal or Business, but how about maximizing its use to gain more profit for business? That's where SMS Marketing starts. How to facilitate this kind of marketing? First, you have to think of all the scenarios involved in such matters. The first question to ask is: do network providers have cheap rates when using your line for sending SMS to a large number of people? Second, do they allow unlimited daily usage for SMS? Normally in some countries this is allowed, but with limitations, like for example: only good for 5 days, 3 times within the period of 30 days or equivalent of one month. If found overused, your line will be block or suspended because they would see in their system how many outgoing messages went out each week or each month. There may be some issues about billing or if there is violation reports being taken on that mobile number that needs them to suspend its use. In every country there are some universal procedures and sometimes the

Does Music Have Soul?

Soul is not only for humans because the one who sings the song aside from birds are humans. The nature is the instrument who first gives people an idea that there is a sound that people could enjoy and experiment that's where the music starts, everyone loves music but is music really has a soul? If you are listening to love song what you feel? Most people said they get sad or lonely, feeling blue as if there is some sadness clouds the situation, gives them some itchiness in doing something whether it for good way of making feel good or making a solution on some issue of the heart, anyhow better to listen to another love song and try to check what you feel. Listening to a pop song is another feeling it's like there is no boundaries almost same as rock songs who usually comes with a very high notes super eardrum losing sounds that most young people love to listen and normally when headsets was introduced almost all teenagers listening to music uses it, that's why now there is


I asked my son why he still sleepy thou he just woke up. He cannot even open his eyes. Hes having hard time sitting on bed.  I asked him why his still sleepy. He told me that he cannot sleep, his having hard times sleeping. His mind and eyes were wide open very long hours at night for almost many days.  I was shocked to know that. So, I traced when the many days he stated started. So, when I found out that its almost 3 days.  I asked my son why and what keeps him awake for 3 days each night? Then he commented " The world is full of bullies". I felt sadness in my heart as I hugged him.  I asked him about all the people involved in his bully experiences and what happen during those interactions and what is his reactions. After hearing it i asked him to pray with me. Then decided that every day we will talk about bullies until we learn how to have a positive response about it.  We came up to a decision that we will always pray for those people and in Gods time, i will try my bes

Only Peace

Waking up feeling tired. Is my sleep not enough?  yes, maybe thought so, because i finish work 10pm. Usual sleeping pattern is 8:30 pm and wakes up at 4: am. So, 10:pm is really late for me.  How come people still feel tired even we completed 8 hours of sleep?    First: In my case because i have a usual sleeping pattern, so if it does not happen even i woke up late just to complete the 8 hours sleep i usually still feel tired. Second: Because of health condition, as per doctor's advice i must complete 8 hours sleep daily, not to include that i should only work maximum of 6 hours a day and tried my best to avoid stress.  For others these conditions may be different, as for young ones they dont care much about work, stress and 8 hours of sleep. I for one when i was younger. But as we age, we matured not because we should but because of our experiences.   When sickness adds to life's experience its again another story.  After morning important daily chores. Trying my best to take

Process Of Reassessment

Spending time and money to reassess your business is a must. Those big companies around the globe doesn't mean exempted from all the troubles. They kept being big because reassessment is part of their operation.  They are not afraid to throw old ideas, update old ideas and most of the time create new ones.  Small entrepreneurs must observe and the innovations of the big ones and analyze what makes them innovate those? What keeps them innovating? If you will apply it to your business in a relatively applicable manners, depending on your business present position, what is your current method, resources and how is your implementations? Questions need answers, answers commend solutions, solutions need implementations and implementations promote success.  Process of reassessment must not be over.  Continuous evaluation of the effectiveness of products and services, in deciding what's working and what's not is very crucial in every business decision making. Investing to innovate

Aggressive Optimism

Optimism means having a vision to imagine a new path forward.  New path can be an updated old way in doing business or a totally new ones based on the current trends and needs of your target market.   During this pandemic some business amazingly earn more as they jump up to online delivery system of their products.  No merchant location visits but the orders online thru different platforms was incomparable.  We must be persistent to take all insights and resources we have that we can use to start the change and forge a better path forward. Aggressive optimism requires a rare combination: critical evaluation of the past and present, combined with optimistic problem solving. One without the other creates an imbalance thats limits the ability to innovate effectively. Envision the common ways on how businesses deals with change and develop a new ways. Try to get an idea of everybody. Involve each and everyone but creating a set of questions that they normally deals at work. From those answ

Forging Business Future

To grow and succeed in the new era of business is not easy. Keeping the usual ways in doing the business is sometimes the obstacles in seeing what's the next step.  New ways to connect to customers, influence company revenue, and most importantly measure and demonstrate the impact of each steps.  Empathising with the current emerging challenges and create a more future ready solutions out from the ordinary. How to start taking step in forging business future? Platform measurability, deeper target engagement and brand safety.  Fewer resources under tightening conditions, right automation approach can help brands stay resilient and agile.  The fear of taking that next step in forging business future is the most common obstacles that all business is facing right now specialy in this pandemic.  Alot of questions in mind. Start by writing all those questions in folded half of paper and titled it obstacles, then on the other half of the paper title it with solutions. Each numbers of obst